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Are VVS Diamonds Real? Here’s Your Answer

on Jun 12, 2024

Diamonds are categorized based on their grade, obtained through the evaluation of the 4 Cs: the carat weight, cut, color, and clarity. In terms of clarity, diamonds can range anywhere between Flawless (FL) and Included (I) diamonds. VVS diamonds rate quite high on the clarity scale, coming right after Flawless and Internally Flawless diamonds.

But are VVS diamonds real?

Absolutely! VVS diamonds are high-clarity diamonds that are widely appreciated for their near-flawless appearance and value.

VVS stands for “Very, Very Slightly Included,” which indicates minimal inclusions and blemishes that are invisible to the naked eye and even hard to see under 10x magnification.

If you’re wondering what VVS diamonds are and how they compare with other clarity grades, keep reading. This guide walks you through the characteristics of VVS diamonds while sharing tips on how to authenticate these precious gemstones and what to consider when buying one.

Characteristics of VVS Diamonds

vvs diamond characteristics

So, what is VVS and what makes VVS diamonds so valuable?

VVS stands for Very, Very Slightly Included, so VVS diamonds have one of the highest clarity grades on the GIA clarity scale.

As clarity grades are determined based on the physical features of a diamond, understanding the main characteristics of VVS diamonds is crucial. Here’s what makes VVS diamonds stand out.

Inclusion Types and Visibility

As mentioned above, VVS diamonds are very, very slightly included gemstones. They appear pretty much flawless to the naked eye, and the imperfections are also difficult to see when observed under 10x magnification.

However, VVS diamonds still have some minute inclusions and blemishes that negligibly differ for VVS1 and VVS2 clarity grades.

Typical inclusions that might set the VVS1 grade include pinpoints, needles, internal graining, or clouds. These imperfections are usually only visible through the bottom half of a diamond and almost never above the girdle.

VVS2 diamonds, on the other hand, may include similar pinpoints, needles, internal graining, and clouds. However, these imperfections are slightly more noticeable at 10x magnification and may be present above the girdle.

Both VVS1 and VVS2 diamonds may feature minor surface-reaching inclusions, such as cavities, chips, feathers, bruises, or others.

In terms of visibility, a diamond with a clarity grade of VVS should be completely eye-clean, and the inclusions should be extremely difficult (VVS1) or difficult (VVS2) to see face-up at 10x magnification.

Impact on Appearance and Value

Overall, the high clarity of VVS diamonds makes these gemstones exceptionally brilliant. Due to their near-flawless appearance, VVS diamonds are also characterized by superior light performance.

Besides, VVS clarity has a significant impact on the price when compared to other clarity grades, such as VS, SI, or I. As VVS diamonds are flawless to the naked eye, they are quite rare and desirable, which explains a higher price range for diamonds with the VVS clarity grade.

Also Read: VVS Diamond Meaning

Authenticity of VVS Diamonds

vvs diamond authenticity

While VVS diamonds do exist, not every single gemstone advertised as a VVS diamond is real. This is because both loose VVS diamonds and ready-made diamond jewelry is often imitated and sold as real diamonds. Instead of high-clarity diamonds, you may get moissanite gemstones or real, but lower-clarity diamonds.

Here’s how to authenticate VVS diamonds and protect yourself from scams when buying loose gemstones or jewelry.

Certification and Grading

Certified VVS Diamonds

Purchasing certified diamonds from reputable gemstone grading laboratories is the most reliable way of authenticating diamonds.

Gem labs, such as GIA and AGS, offer unbiased and trustworthy grading reports and certification services.

Before purchasing a VVS diamond, ensure it comes with a legit certificate that matches the laser inscription on the diamond girdle.

Reading Grading Reports

Understanding how to read and interpret diamond grading reports is also important. In any report, you’ll find a diamond grading section that mentions the 4 Cs of diamonds, including clarity. You can then check the clarity grade, which could range anywhere between Flawless (FL) and Included (I) diamonds.

A grading report for a VVS diamond must mention VVS1 or VVS2 in the clarity grade. Otherwise, the gemstone won’t be considered a VVS diamond.

Avoiding Fraud

Common Scams

Misinterpreted clarity grades, fake certifications, and diamond imitations are among the most commonly used scams.

A common scenario is when a seller knowingly misrepresents the clarity grade of a diamond to increase its quality and value. For instance, a lower clarity grade like SI might be misrepresented as a VVS diamond, making it seem more valuable.

In some cases, sellers may even use fake certifications to deceive buyers into believing that a diamond has a higher value than it actually does. For example, a fake grading report may indicate inaccurate grades for the 4 Cs of diamonds, including carat weight, cut, color, and clarity.

Lastly, some sellers may use imitation diamonds to scam people and make them believe they are purchasing genuine gemstones. Instead, they could be buying moissanite or even less valuable gemstones with fake certifications.

Buying Tips

Ensuring diamond authenticity before buying a loose gemstone or diamond jewelry is key to avoiding fraud. Here are some buying tips to keep in mind:

  • Buy from reputable and well-established sellers only

  • Check if a given seller is a member of an industry association or has a certification from a trusted organization

  • Always request a certification or a diamond grading report from an unbiased gemological laboratory such as GIA or AGS

  • Verify the authenticity of the diamond grading report

  • Examine the diamond and check if it comes with a laser inscription

  • Contact the gem lab directly for further information

  • Visit a local jeweler and don’t hesitate to ask questions

Comparing VVS to Other Clarity Grades

vvs diamond vs other clarity grades

Understanding the similarities and differences between VVS and other diamond clarity grades will help you assess a diamond’s worth and ensure you get the desired level of clarity and quality.

Besides, knowing how to tell different clarity grades apart enables you to avoid deception while ensuring you get what you pay for.

Let’s compare VVS diamonds to FL, IF, VS, and SI diamond clarity grades to help you make an informed decision.

VVS vs. Flawless (FL) and Internally Flawless (IF)

Visual Differences

Flawless (FL) and Internally Flawless (IF) grades are the top two clarity grades on the scale.

FL diamonds don’t have any inclusions or blemishes visible under 10x magnification.

IF diamonds, on the other hand, may have minor inclusions but no external blemishes visible under 10x magnification.

When compared to the VVS grade, FL and IF are higher clarity grades with no to less visible inclusions and blemishes when observed under magnification.

However, if we examine VVS, IF, and FL diamonds with the naked eye, they will appear completely eye-clean. We won’t be able to observe any inclusions or blemishes in any of these clarity grades.

The inclusions in FL, IF, and VVS diamonds are so minuscule that they don’t have any impact on the brilliance and light performance of the diamonds.

Price Comparison

While there are minimal visual differences under magnification and none to the naked eye, there’s a significant price difference between VVS, IF, and FL diamonds.

As FL-grade diamonds have the highest clarity, they tend to be more expensive than IF and VVS clarity grades.

However, it’s important to consider other factors, such as carat weight, color, and cut type to determine the price of a given diamond.

For instance, colorless VVS diamonds with a higher carat weight and excellent cut can be more expensive than lower carat weight IF diamonds with a tint of yellow or brown.

VVS vs. VS and SI

Visual Differences

Very Slightly Included (VS) and Slightly Included (SI) diamonds rate lower on the diamond clarity scale.

While the inclusions and blemishes in VS diamonds are minor, they range from difficult to somewhat easy to see under 10x magnification. These inclusions may still appear clear to the naked eye, especially in the case of VS1 diamonds.

Contrarily, inclusions in SI diamonds are easily noticeable under 10x magnification. These flaws are typically also visible to the unaided eye.

When comparing the brilliance and light performance of VVS diamonds to VS and SI diamonds, VS-grade gemstones are similarly sparkly, whereas the visible inclusions may slightly affect the transparency and brilliance of SI diamonds.

Price Comparison

In terms of pricing, VVS diamonds are more expensive than those with VS or SI clarity grades.

Although VS and SI diamonds are significantly cheaper, VVS-clarity diamonds offer a perfect balance between high clarity and affordability.

Still, opting for lower clarity grade diamonds is a reasonable choice if you’re shopping on a budget and have to prioritize the 4 Cs of diamonds.

Benefits of Choosing VVS Diamonds

VVS diamonds offer an excellent balance between quality and affordability. They are popular among buyers who value exceptional clarity and are willing to pay more for top-tier quality diamonds.

But what are the benefits of choosing VVS diamonds over other clarity grades? Here’s what you need to know.

Exceptional Clarity

VVS diamonds are sought after for their high clarity grade and near-flawless appearance.

With minor inclusions that are invisible to the bare eye and also hard to observe under magnification, VVS diamonds offer superior brilliance and unmatched light performance.

High Resale Value

While VVS diamonds are more readily available than FL and IF diamonds, they are still considered rare. The exclusivity of VVS diamonds makes them coveted and potentially valuable investments.

That being said, VVS diamonds retain a high resale value over time, all thanks to their rarity and desirability.

Versatility in Jewelry

VVS diamonds are quite versatile. Due to their near-flawless appearance, they offer enhanced design flexibility and can be incorporated into engagement rings, bracelets, and necklaces, such as Cuban link chains.

As VVS diamonds don’t have any visible inclusions or blemishes, they are commonly incorporated into jewelry designs with higher-carat diamonds that are more visible.

For example, we often see VVS-clarity diamonds in diamond tennis chains due to their superior brilliance and sparkle, ensuring luxury and sophistication.

Easy Maintenance

VVS diamonds are exceptionally brilliant, and maintaining that dazzling sparkliness is quite straightforward. Understanding how to clean diamond jewelry will help you take care of your precious accessories at home.

VVS diamonds look so luxurious that you just need some warm soapy water and a soft jewelry cloth to keep them in perfect condition.


Diamonds are classified and graded based on the 4 Cs: carat weight, color, cut, and clarity. Clarity grades range from Flawless (FL) to Included (I), with VVS-grade diamonds having the third-highest rating on the clarity scale.

So, are VVS diamonds real?

Yes, VVS diamonds are indeed real and considered one of the highest-clarity diamonds, coming right after Flawless and Internally Flawless diamonds.

Due to the rarity and desirability of VVS diamonds, they have a higher price and resale value than lower-clarity diamonds.

VVS diamonds offer a perfect balance between price and quality. So, if you have trouble choosing between different diamond clarity grades, consider VVS diamonds for their exceptional clarity, superior brilliance, and value.

While VVS diamonds are 100% real, verifying the authenticity of these precious gemstones is crucial. Ensure you purchase loose VVS diamonds or jewelry pieces from reputable sellers only. Besides, ask for certifications and grading reports issued by trustworthy gemological labs, such as GIA and AGS.

Joosep Seitam

Joosep was born in Tallinn, Estonia - a small country in northern Europe. He is an entrepreneur and one of the co-founders of Icecartel. Joosep has been in the jewelry industry since 2019, the year when he started the brand from scratch. During these years, Joosep has learned everything there is about the jewelry industry and he's here to share it all!

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