Will moissanite pass the diamond tester? The answer may surprise you– can gemology tools and machines accurately tell the difference between diamonds and diamond simulants?
You may ask, can moissanite pass for diamond? This blog post will outline the various diamond testers, unique attributes of moissanite vs. diamond, and how to spot the difference, answering any questions you may have and alleviating concerns. Analyzing your moissanite ring or other jewelry is a helpful and rewarding step for appreciating its beauty.
What is a Diamond Tester?
Will moissanite pass a diamond tester? There are several methods used for testing a stone and determining if it is a diamond or not.
One of the common methods is a diamond tester. It may be used in conjunction with other gemological tests evaluating the stone.
A diamond tester works by measuring the diamond's thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, fluorescence, and other attributes. Did you know there are many different types of diamond testers?
Types of Diamond Testers

Moissanite vs. diamond test; there are several kinds of diamond testers available in the market, each with its own attributes. Some of the common types of testers include heat, electricity, or combination testers. Here are is a breakdown of different testers:
Diamond tester pens
These are handheld devices that use electrical conductivity to detect whether a gemstone is a diamond or not. Pawnshops and jewelry stores often carry these types of testers; they are charged by plugging it into the wall. Diamond tester pens are inexpensive and may be purchased for at-home use. The tester goes to green or red, notating the results with a sound.
Special care must be taken not to touch the metal–diamond tester pens are sensitive and will emit an incorrect result. Pressing the tip flat against the stone with a small amount of pressure is optimal for receiving an accurate result.
Thermal conductivity testers
A thermal conductivity tester measures how quickly a material conducts heat and uses this information to determine whether a gemstone is a diamond or not. These testers are relatively inexpensive and easy to use, but they are not always accurate, as some diamond simulants can also conduct heat.
Electrical conductivity testers
An electrical conductivity tester measures how well a material conducts electricity determining diamond and gemstone identification. Diamonds are poor conductors of electricity compared to many diamond simulants and stones.
Ultraviolet testers
Uses ultraviolet light to detect a diamond. Diamonds will fluoresce (emit a glowing light) under ultraviolet light, Ultraviolet testers are easy to use, but they can be less accurate than other types of testers, as some diamond simulants and stones can also fluoresce under ultraviolet light.
What is Moissanite?
Natural moissanite was discovered in Arizona by Nobel Prize-winning chemist Dr. Henri Moissan in 1893, hence the name moissanite. Moissanite is found in extremely small quantities in certain types of rocks, such as kimberlites and lamproites, as well as in meteorites. This makes moissanite extremely expensive.
Because of its rarity, synthetic moissanite was created in a laboratory in the late 1990s. Moissanite is composed of silicon carbide (SiC), with a carbon atom surrounded by four silicon atoms in a tetrahedral form.
How Moissanite is Different From Diamond?
Can a diamond tester detect moissanite? Moissanite and diamonds are popular choices for engagement rings and other types of fine jewelry. While both stones may display incredible brilliance and fire with the untrained eye, they contain different physical and chemical properties. Here are some ways to notate the difference between moissanite and diamonds:
Composition: Moissanite is a naturally occurring silicon carbide mineral, while diamonds are composed of only carbon. As mentioned earlier, moissanite refers to synthetic moissanite, which has laboratory origins. Diamonds are formed in the earth (unless they are lab-grown diamonds). Lab-grown diamonds are the synthetic counterpart to natural diamonds; synthetic moissanite is the lab counterpart to natural moissanite.
Hardness: Diamonds are the hardest natural substance on earth, ranking 10/10 on the Mohs scale of hardness. Moissanite is also very hard but not quite as hard as diamond, ranking 9.25 out of 10 on the Mohs scale. This means both stones are durable, with diamond being the most durable mineral compared to moissanite and most other materials subjected to the Mohs scale.
Brilliance & Fire: Both moissanite and diamonds are known for their brilliance and fire, even though they exhibit different optical properties. Moissanite has a higher refractive index (fire) than diamond, which means it bends light more and gives off more flashes of a rainbow-colored effect. Diamonds are famous for their dispersion, creating their famous icy-white light.
Color: Moissanite is known to have a slight tinge of color. Moissanite may display a slightly yellow or green tint in certain lighting conditions. Although diamonds come in different colors, they don't display this type of color cast.
Cost: Moissanite is considerably less expensive than diamonds of comparable size and quality. Evaluating the price of the engagement ring, loose stone, or other jewelry design will assist in the gemstone identification process.
Why is Moissanite Used as a Diamond Alternative?
Moissanite vs diamond test; the choice between moissanite and diamonds is personal to the buyer. Factors including budget and personal stances on environmental impact play an important role in the purchasing decision. There are few reasons why moissanite is chosen in the place of diamond:
Value: Moissanite is beautiful and is more affordable than a diamond. They both display gorgeous sparkle and fire--however, cutting costs on the ring may be a personal preference.
Unique Appearance: Since moissanite has a higher refractive index with its incredible double refractivity and stunning rainbow-colored flashes of light, people may prefer its unusual fire. Moissanite is known as the most brilliant stone on earth--more brilliant than a diamond.
Source: Moissanite are eco-friendly, socially conscious alternatives to natural, earth-mined diamonds. Since moissanite is created in a lab, it doesn't go through the same harsh working conditions and environments as diamonds. Moissanite has less of a carbon footprint and is considered conflict-free.
Difference Between Diamonds & Moissanite
Several other tests can be used to identify moissanite and diamonds, including:
- Visual inspection: Moissanite has a distinctively different appearance than diamonds, with a higher level of brilliance and fire due to its higher refractive index and doubling. Moissanite can be distinguished from diamonds by the naked eye or by a jeweler's loupe.
- Analyzing the inclusions: This is part of the visual inspection process. Diamonds contain distinctive growth characteristics as a result of the formation process. These inclusions (internal) and blemishes (external) are indicative of diamonds, analyzed by a jewelry professional.
- Electrical conductivity test: Moissanite is electrically conductive, unlike diamonds. This difference can be distinguished by diamonds using an electrical conductivity tester.
- Ultraviolet light test: Moissanite glows a different color than diamonds when exposed to ultraviolet light.
Can Moissanite Pass the Diamond Tester?
Moissanite doesn't contain the same chemical properties of diamond. However, it has a high thermal conductivity that may incorrectly register as a diamond when coming into contact with a thermal diamond tester. However, moissanite will not be able to pass other testing methods or professional evaluation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will anyone know my ring is moissanite?
Because moissanite is distinctively different from a diamond and exhibits unique optical properties with its high refractive index, it may not be mistaken for a diamond by the trained eye. MOissanite has a rainbow brilliance, making it uniquely stunning. Both stones exhibit the fire and sparkle, but moissanite has features a colorful light dispersion. For the untrained eye, at first glance, a moissanite may be mistaken for a diamond.
Do you get a certificate with moissanite?
Moissanite is graded for quality using the 4Cs grading scale developed by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) using the same criteria as diamonds. The 4Cs include color, clarity, cut, and caratage. Moissanite may be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity relating these facts and signed by a jewelry professional, most notably a Graduate Gemologist (GG).
The Bottom Line
There are many factors to consider if a moissanite will pass a diamond tester. Below are some of the key points covered in this blog post.
Summary of Key Points
Will moissanite pass diamond tester? Moissanite can be identified through many different tests, including a diamond tester. Diamond testers are available using techniques testing the stone with the ability to tell if it is a diamond or not. These testers include diamond tester pens, x-ray diamond testers, thermal conductivity tests, and electrical conductivity testers. Moissanite can be observed under magnification and is almost instantly recognizable with its double refractivity–even without magnification for the trained eye.
The Importance of Authenticating Diamonds
The below are some points detailing the importance of authenticating diamonds. Getting your diamond jewelry and other fine jewelry authenticated is an extra step toward full evaluation of your jewelry.
Value & Resale Value/Insurance Purposes: Authenticating diamonds are important when it comes to verifying its value. Diamond authentication confirms the quality and price/value of the stone. This includes the diamond's 4Cs (color, clarity, cut, and caratage).
Fraud Prevention: Getting diamonds and diamond jewelry authenticated prevents possible fraud. Being sold a stone that is not a diamond as claimed, if it is natural or synthetic, or has undergone any treatments and enhancements, such as laser treatments and fracture-filling.
Peace of Mind: Authenticating diamond brings peace of mind--knowing you purchased what you paid for brings satisfaction.
Final Thoughts & Recommendations
Can moissanite pass for diamond? Will moissanite pass the diamond tester? Under certain circumstances, moissanite can pass the diamond tester if it is testing for thermal conductivity. Can a diamond tester detect moissanite? Moissanite may also fool a diamond tester pen if the pen isn’t positioned correctly. Moissanite must be evaluated using other gemological tools and methods. It is important to note that moissanite and diamonds are different gemstones; they may at first look alike because they sparkle but exhibit dissimilar chemical, optical and physical properties. Getting your diamond or moissanite certified guarantees the purchase is what you have paid for–it also brings relief in knowing you have valued your item at a correct cost.