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Why Are Cuban Chains So Expensive? The Factors Behind their Price Tag

on Jul 04, 2023

Cuban link chains have a history of being associated with flair and wealth. Their popularity is matched by their price, leaving many to wonder: why are Cuban chains so expensive? In this article, we examine the factors that contribute to their high price, including the level of workmanship required, the materials utilised, and consumer demand.

What are Cuban Link Chains?

What are Cuban Link Chains

Let's first define Cuban link chains in order to better understand why they are so expensive. These chains, which have oval links that interlock in a pattern like a rope, are usually made from priceless metals like gold or silver. They stand out from other chain designs because to their distinctive, robust appearance.

So why are Cuban link chains expensive? Here are 5 reasons why

Reason 1: The Way They Are Made

A high-quality Cuban link chain has to be made with extreme attention to detail. To guarantee sturdiness and a smooth look, each link is carefully moulded, formed, and soldered. The labor-intensive method raises the chain's total cost. Read our article about how cuban chains are made.

Reason 2: They Usually Consist of Gold or Silver

Gold and silver are precious metals that have inherent value. These materials are used to make Cuban chains, which not only have a sumptuous appearance but have value on their own. The current market value of the metal utilised has an impact on the chain's current pricing.

Reason 3: Longer and Thicker Chains Cost More

A Cuban chain's price is directly impacted by its length and thickness. Longer chains need more material, which raises the price overall. Similar to thicker chains, more metal is needed, which raises the cost. The chain's perceived worth is influenced by its size and weight.

Reason 4: High Quality Cuban Chains Are in High Demand

In recent years, Cuban link chains have become very popular, especially among the hip-hop and fashion scenes. The price of finely manufactured, high-end Cuban chains has dramatically risen due to rising demand. Premium chains may charge premium pricing because of their limited supply and strong demand.

Reason 5: Diamond or Moissanite Cuban Chains

Cuban chains that have been adorned with diamonds or moissanite stones are even more alluring and exclusive. Due to their intrinsic worth and scarcity, these valuable gemstones raise the price when they are added. The entire cost of the necklace is strongly influenced by the size and quality of the employed diamonds or moissanites.

What is the Average Cost for a Cuban Chain?

A Cuban chain's price may vary significantly depending on the kind of metal used, the length and thickness of the chain, the level of artistry, and the presence of jewels. A top-notch gold or silver Cuban chain typically costs between a few hundred and several thousand dollars. The price increases as the chain becomes longer, thicker, and incorporates more elaborate designs or precious gemstones. Browse Icecartel's cuban chains to find yourself a perfect chain!

Average cost of cuban link chains

Questions fréquemment posées

Which size Cuban chain is right for me?

Choosing the right size Cuban chain depends on your personal style and preferences. Consider factors such as your neck size, desired length, and the overall look you want to achieve. It's recommended to try on different chain lengths to see which one suits you best and complements your outfit.

Are Cuban chains hand-made?

Yes, high-quality Cuban chains are typically hand-made. Skilled artisans meticulously craft each link, ensuring precision and attention to detail throughout the manufacturing process. Hand-made chains require a higher level of craftsmanship, contributing to their quality and price.

Why are Cuban chains so popular?

Cuban chains have gained popularity due to their bold, stylish appearance and they have a reputation of being extremely strong necklaces. They have become a fashion staple, especially in the hip-hop and streetwear culture. The chains' timeless design, versatility, and association with luxury and wealth have contributed to their widespread appeal among both men and women. Additionally, celebrities and influencers often sport Cuban chains, further increasing their popularity.


Cuban link chain prices are affected by a number of elements, such as the level of craftsmanship required, the materials used (such as gold or silver), the chain's length and thickness, consumer demand, and the inclusion of diamonds or moissanites. The meticulous manufacturing process and the inherent value of the materials contribute to their high cost. Cuban chains continue to enchant with their attractiveness and timeless appeal, whether they are seen as an investment or a fashionable statement item.

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    Auteur : Israel Cubillo
    Auteur : Israel Cubillo
    Israel Cubillo est né à New York et a grandi en se déplaçant aux États-Unis. Il prépare actuellement une licence en finance et travaille sur des contenus liés à la bijouterie via sa chaîne YouTube. Il réalise régulièrement des vidéos sur différents types de bijoux, présentant différents styles et marques à ses abonnés. Il crée également du contenu informatif pour enseigner à ses spectateurs les complexités de la bijouterie, tout en donnant des commentaires de haute qualité sur les articles que les consommateurs peuvent chercher à acheter. Il a rejoint l'équipe d'Icecartel au début de l'année 2023 en tant que rédacteur de contenu sur les bijoux.
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    Auteur : Israel Cubillo
    Auteur : Israel Cubillo
    Israel Cubillo est né à New York et a grandi en se déplaçant aux États-Unis. Il prépare actuellement une licence en finance et travaille sur des contenus liés à la bijouterie via sa chaîne YouTube. Il réalise régulièrement des vidéos sur différents types de bijoux, présentant différents styles et marques à ses abonnés. Il crée également du contenu informatif pour enseigner à ses spectateurs les complexités de la bijouterie, tout en donnant des commentaires de haute qualité sur les articles que les consommateurs peuvent chercher à acheter. Il a rejoint l'équipe d'Icecartel au début de l'année 2023 en tant que rédacteur de contenu sur les bijoux.

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