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What are Cuban Chains? Unraveling the Mystique

on Jul 03, 2023

Cuban chains are often at the top of the list when it comes to creating a fashion statement with jewelry. But why are they called Cuban chains, and what are they exactly? In this article, we'll delve into the intricate world of Cuban chains, exploring their origins, characteristics, and why they've become such a popular choice among fashion enthusiasts and celebrities alike.

Defining Cuban Chains

A kind of necklace known as a "Cuban chain" or "Cuban link chain" is distinguished by its substantial, interlocking oval links. The links are closely set, creating a continuous, sleek chain with a rope-like pattern. Cuban chains are often used as a statement item because of their striking look.

The Origin of the Name

Why Is a Chain Called a Cuban Chain?

The phrase "Cuban chain" can conjure up visions of warm beaches and a vivacious Cuban culture. However, the name is not necessarily indicative of the chain's origins. It's believed that the Cuban chain was so named because of its popularity among the Cuban community in Miami during the late 20th century. Although the name's precise origins are unknown, it has unquestionably been widely used. Learn more about the history of cuban link chains here!

Qu'est-ce qu'une chaîne à maillons cubaine ?

Types of Cuban Chains

There are several Cuban chain variations available. These include:

  1. Miami Cuban Link Chains: These traditional Cuban chains are distinguished by their robust and substantial links.

  2. Flat Cuban Link Chains: These have a flatter profile compared to the classic style.

  3. Diamond Cuban Link Chains: For an added touch of luxury, these Cuban chains are set with diamonds.

  4. Moissanite Cuban Link Chains: Similar to diamond Cuban link chains but set with moissanites instead, these chains offer a dazzling appearance that's more affordable than diamonds.

We have written a full article about all types of cuban link chains.

What's the Difference Between Cuban Chain and Miami Cuban Chain?

Difference between cuban and miami cuban link chains

Although the words "Cuban Chain" and "Miami Cuban Chain" are sometimes used interchangeably, they vary to some extent. The Miami Cuban chain is a variation of the classic Cuban chain and is generally known for having slightly thicker and heavier links. Additionally, Miami Cuban chains tend to have a more rounded and pronounced three-dimensional look compared to the flatter and more subdued appearance of regular Cuban chains. This makes the Miami Cuban chain a more robust and noticeable statement piece.

Are Cuban Chains Real?

The term “real” when referring to Cuban chains can denote different aspects. Firstly, it can refer to the material. Real gold, silver, or plated metals can all be employed to create Cuban chains. Actual silver and gold Cuban chains are regarded as being more precious and genuine.

Secondly, it can also refer to the style. As mentioned earlier, true Cuban chains are characterized by their thick, interlocking oval links. There are many imitations available, so it’s important to know the defining features of an authentic Cuban chain.

Cuban Chains and Their Cultural Importance

Hip-hop culture has made Cuban chains into an iconic piece of jewelry. Cuban chains are a popular status symbol among hip-hop musicians and fans. This trend has significantly contributed to the popularity of Cuban chains beyond the hip-hop community, making them a mainstream fashion accessory.

How to Choose a Cuban Chain

When selecting a Cuban chain, consider the following:

  • Material: Depending on your preferences and price range, you may choose between gold, silver, or plated metals.

  • Cuban chains are available in a range of lengths and thicknesses. Choose a size that suits your appearance and size.

  • Clasp Type: A sturdy clasp is essential for keeping your chain secure.

  • Real gold and silver chains cost more than plated alternatives. Decide on a spending plan that suits your tastes.

Caring for Your Cuban Chain

It's crucial to take good care of your Cuban chain to preserve its life. This involves keeping it dry and cold while regularly cleaning it with a soft cloth. Furthermore, it's a good idea to take off your Cuban chain before exercising or exposing it to toxins.

While not wearing your chain, It's wise to store your chain in a jewelry box.



Cuban chains are a versatile and stylish accessory that can add a touch of elegance or boldness to any outfit. Whether you prefer the classic Miami Cuban link chain, a diamond-encrusted version, or the more affordable moissanite Cuban link chain, understanding the history and characteristics of these chains will help you make an informed decision. With proper care, a Cuban chain can be a lasting investment in your personal style.

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    Auteur : Israel Cubillo
    Auteur : Israel Cubillo
    Israel Cubillo est né à New York et a grandi en se déplaçant aux États-Unis. Il prépare actuellement une licence en finance et travaille sur des contenus liés à la bijouterie via sa chaîne YouTube. Il réalise régulièrement des vidéos sur différents types de bijoux, présentant différents styles et marques à ses abonnés. Il crée également du contenu informatif pour enseigner à ses spectateurs les complexités de la bijouterie, tout en donnant des commentaires de haute qualité sur les articles que les consommateurs peuvent chercher à acheter. Il a rejoint l'équipe d'Icecartel au début de l'année 2023 en tant que rédacteur de contenu sur les bijoux.
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    Auteur : Israel Cubillo
    Auteur : Israel Cubillo
    Israel Cubillo est né à New York et a grandi en se déplaçant aux États-Unis. Il prépare actuellement une licence en finance et travaille sur des contenus liés à la bijouterie via sa chaîne YouTube. Il réalise régulièrement des vidéos sur différents types de bijoux, présentant différents styles et marques à ses abonnés. Il crée également du contenu informatif pour enseigner à ses spectateurs les complexités de la bijouterie, tout en donnant des commentaires de haute qualité sur les articles que les consommateurs peuvent chercher à acheter. Il a rejoint l'équipe d'Icecartel au début de l'année 2023 en tant que rédacteur de contenu sur les bijoux.

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