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Do Cuban Link Chains Kink? How to Remove Kinks from Cuban Link Chains

on Jul 04, 2023

Cuban link chains are renowned for their durability, but occasionally, they may develop kinks. In this article, we explore whether Cuban link chains are prone to kinking and provide a simple method to remove kinks. Let's learn how to fix kinks and keep your chain looking flawless.

Understanding Cuban Link Chain Kinks

Cuban link chains are designed to be sturdy and resistant to kinking. However, mishandling or accidental pressure can lead to a kink in the chain. Fortunately, you can easily fix these kinks using a simple technique.

How to Remove Kinks from Cuban Link Chains

How to remove kinks from Cuban Link Chains

1. Identify the Kinked Area

Locate the specific section of the chain where the kink is present. It's important to work on the affected area without putting unnecessary stress on the rest of the chain.

2. Apply Gentle Pressure

Hold the chain with both hands, placing your thumbs on the kinked area. Gently push the chain together, allowing gravity to assist in straightening the kink. Apply gentle, even pressure from both sides of the kinked area.

3. Slowly Pull and Straighten

Once you have applied pressure to the kinked area, slowly pull the chain in opposite directions. Continue pulling gently until the chain straightens out. Be patient and avoid using excessive force, as it may cause further damage.

4. Inspect and Repeat if Needed

After straightening the chain, inspect the kinked area to ensure it has been fully resolved. If a slight kink remains, repeat the process of applying pressure and pulling until the chain is completely straightened.

Here's a video explaining the whole process:

Preventing Kinks in Cuban Link Chains

1. Handle with Care

To minimize the risk of kinks, handle your Cuban link chain with care. Avoid pulling or tugging forcefully, especially when taking off or putting on the chain.

2. Proper Storage

When not wearing your chain, store it in a dedicated jewelry box or pouch to prevent tangling with other pieces. Avoid placing heavy objects on top of the chain, as this can lead to unwanted pressure and potential kinking.

3. Regular Maintenance

Regularly inspect your Cuban link chain for any signs of wear or damage. Address any minor issues promptly to prevent them from developing into larger problems that may cause kinks.

Questions fréquemment posées

Does my Cuban chain break if I use force while pulling it?

While Cuban link chains are durable, using excessive force can potentially damage or weaken the chain over time. It's recommended to handle your chain with care and apply gentle pressure when addressing kinks.

I still can't remove the kink, are there any other methods I could use?

If the simple method of applying gentle pressure and pulling hasn't resolved the kink, you may consider seeking professional assistance from a jeweler or using specialized tools designed for chain repairs. They can provide alternative methods and solutions to effectively remove the kink.

Is my chain of bad quality if I'm constantly getting kinks on it?

Not necessarily. Even high-quality Cuban link chains can occasionally develop kinks due to mishandling or accidental pressure. However, if you notice frequent kinks or other issues, it's worth assessing the quality of your chain and considering factors such as the craftsmanship and materials used. Consulting with a jeweler can provide insights into the chain's quality and potential improvements.


While Cuban link chains are designed to be resilient, occasional kinks may occur due to mishandling or accidental pressure. By following the simple technique of applying gentle pressure and pulling, you can easily remove kinks and restore your chain's flawless appearance. Remember to handle your chain with care and take preventive measures to minimize the risk of future kinks. With proper maintenance and attention, your Cuban link chain will continue to shine and add elegance to your style.

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    Auteur : Israel Cubillo
    Auteur : Israel Cubillo
    Israel Cubillo est né à New York et a grandi en se déplaçant aux États-Unis. Il prépare actuellement une licence en finance et travaille sur des contenus liés à la bijouterie via sa chaîne YouTube. Il réalise régulièrement des vidéos sur différents types de bijoux, présentant différents styles et marques à ses abonnés. Il crée également du contenu informatif pour enseigner à ses spectateurs les complexités de la bijouterie, tout en donnant des commentaires de haute qualité sur les articles que les consommateurs peuvent chercher à acheter. Il a rejoint l'équipe d'Icecartel au début de l'année 2023 en tant que rédacteur de contenu sur les bijoux.
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    Auteur : Israel Cubillo
    Auteur : Israel Cubillo
    Israel Cubillo est né à New York et a grandi en se déplaçant aux États-Unis. Il prépare actuellement une licence en finance et travaille sur des contenus liés à la bijouterie via sa chaîne YouTube. Il réalise régulièrement des vidéos sur différents types de bijoux, présentant différents styles et marques à ses abonnés. Il crée également du contenu informatif pour enseigner à ses spectateurs les complexités de la bijouterie, tout en donnant des commentaires de haute qualité sur les articles que les consommateurs peuvent chercher à acheter. Il a rejoint l'équipe d'Icecartel au début de l'année 2023 en tant que rédacteur de contenu sur les bijoux.

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