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How to Spot Fake Gold Chains - Icecartel

le 23 décembre 2023

When it comes to gold chains, discerning between the real and the fake is crucial, especially given the investment. Understanding the characteristics of gold and its common counterfeits can save you from making an expensive mistake. This guide will walk you through several methods to determine the authenticity of gold chains.

Understanding Gold and Its Purity

Gold's purity is measured in karats, with 24K being the highest or purest form. However, because pure gold is too soft for practical use in jewelry, it is often alloyed with other metals for strength. The karat system denotes the proportion of gold, with 14K and 18K being common in jewelry. Understanding this is crucial as it affects the tests for authenticity.

What Distinguishes a Genuine Gold?

Genuine gold has unique properties – it doesn't tarnish, is dense, and is non-magnetic. Authentic gold items also carry hallmarks or stamps that indicate their purity. These characteristics form the basis of various tests to authenticate gold.

How to Tell if a Gold Chain is Real - Easy Tests to Find Out

Several simple tests can indicate whether a gold chain is real or counterfeit:

Magnetic Test

Gold is non-magnetic. By holding a magnet near the gold chain, you can check for any magnetic reaction. If it pulls towards the magnet, it's likely not real gold.


Check for markings on the clasp. Genuine gold chains will have a karat marking (e.g., 14K, 18K) or a stamp indicating its authenticity.

Scratch Test

Scratching the gold against unglazed ceramic will reveal its nature. If it leaves a gold streak, it is likely real; if it leaves a black streak, it's fake.

Float Test

Real gold is dense and will sink when placed in a cup of water. Counterfeits tend to float or not sink as rapidly.

Discoloration of Skin

Real gold won't discolor your skin. If you notice green or black marks, it's a sign that it's not genuine gold.

Advanced Ways to Spot a Fake Gold Chain (needs expert’s help)

For more accurate results, consider these expert methods:

Acid Test

This involves applying nitric acid to a scratch from the gold. Real gold will show no reaction, whereas fake pieces will react or change color.

Gold Tester (electronic)

Electronic testers can provide a reliable measure of the gold's karat value.

X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

This non-destructive method uses X-rays to determine the metal's composition accurately.

Only Buy From Trusted Sources

To ensure the authenticity of a gold chain, always purchase from reputable sellers such as Icecartel. Trusted sources will provide a certificate of authenticity and a proper receipt. Always ask for these documents and check online reviews to understand the seller's reputation. Remember, a genuine seller is always willing to provide proof of authenticity and will have a transparent return policy.

In summary, while several tests can help determine if a gold chain is real, the most foolproof method is purchasing from a trusted source and seeking expert verification when in doubt. With the right knowledge and precautions, you can confidently invest in genuine gold jewelry.

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    Auteur : Joosep Seitam
    Auteur : Joosep Seitam
    Joosep est né à Tallinn, en Estonie, un petit pays d'Europe du Nord. Il est entrepreneur et l'un des cofondateurs d'Icecartel. Joosep travaille dans le secteur de la bijouterie depuis 2019, année où il a créé la marque à partir de zéro. Au cours de ces années, Joosep a appris tout ce qu'il y a à savoir sur l'industrie de la bijouterie et il est ici pour partager tout cela !
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    Auteur : Joosep Seitam
    Auteur : Joosep Seitam
    Joosep est né à Tallinn, en Estonie, un petit pays d'Europe du Nord. Il est entrepreneur et l'un des cofondateurs d'Icecartel. Joosep travaille dans le secteur de la bijouterie depuis 2019, année où il a créé la marque à partir de zéro. Au cours de ces années, Joosep a appris tout ce qu'il y a à savoir sur l'industrie de la bijouterie et il est ici pour partager tout cela !

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