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Stefan Self Blog Author

Stefan Selg


Stefan has had a passion for watches for nearly a decade. Ever since he got his first watch back in 2015 he has learned and immersed himself into the world, brining the knowledge to readers in understandable and relatable language.

Joined With Icecartel Team in 2023

Our team was in need for a watch & blogging specialist until in august of 2023 Stefan joined our team. Ever since joining he has designed our upcoming watch collection and has attributed time into crafting quality content.

Emma Zerner - Certified Diamond expert


Emma Zerner wurde in Guelph, Ontario, Kanada, geboren und wuchs in Gainesville, Florida, auf. Sie hat einen Bachelor of Science in Retail Merchandising von der University of Minnesota-Twin Cities und ein Diplom als Diplom-Gemologin vom Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Emma ist seit 2002 in der Schmuckbranche tätig, zunächst im Einzelhandel. Sie liefert professionelle Schmuckinhalte aller Art für zahlreiche Schmuckunternehmen weltweit und bietet darüber hinaus persönliche Gemmologiedienste an. In ihrer Freizeit hat sie in mehreren Reality-Shows auf großen Fernsehsendern mitgewirkt, darunter MTV, BRAVO und TLC, um nur einige zu nennen.

Joined with Icecartel team in 2022

We are glad to announce that Emma Zerner is now working at Icecartel.com as a creative content & blog manager. Ever since joining, she has written tens of helpful blogs & articles about moissanite diamonds and jewelry.

Icecartel Israel Cubillo

Israel Cubillo


Israel Cubillo Was Born in New York City he grew up moving around the US. He is currently working on his bachelor’s of finance and has been working on jewelry related content via his YouTube channel for nearly a year now. He consistently makes video content on different kinds of jewelry showcasing different styles and brands to his subscribers as well creating informing content to teach his viewers about the complexities of jewelry, additionally giving high quality reviews of items consumers may be looking to purchase.

Joined With Icecartel Team in 2023

Israel joined Icecartel's team as a jewelry reviewer and blog content writer in the hip hop jewelry niche. Ever since joining, he has written multiple helpful blogs on different kind of jewelry.

Joosep Seitam


Joosep was born in Tallinn, Estonia - a small country in the northern Europe. He is an entrepreneur and one of the co-founders of Icecartel. Joosep has been in the jewelry industry since 2019, the year when he started the brand from scratch.

In his free time Joosep likes to learn about the jewelry industry and build the brand to new heights.

Does a little bit of everything

Joosep has contributed most of his time to building Icecartel brand, wether It's about branding, social media marketing or content writing.

Joosep Seitam
Titel der Schublade
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