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Wo und wie Sie Ihre Diamant-Halskette verkaufen können

am 22. Juni 2024

While diamond necklaces add a touch of elegance to your appearance, they can also be great financial investments. Whether you’ve decided to declutter your jewelry collection or want to benefit from the high market value of diamonds, selling your diamond necklace can be a smart choice. 

But how or where to sell a diamond necklace? If this is your first time selling diamond jewelry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a detailed guide on how to sell your diamond necklace and get the most favorable deal.

How to Sell Your Diamond Necklace

To avoid getting scammed when selling your diamond necklace, it’s important to understand the process. The key is to determine the value of your necklace and then find a fair buyer either in your area or online. Here are some tips to help you get started.

Understanding the Certification

Before you start searching for buyers, check if your diamond necklace has any certifications from reputable gemological laboratories such as GIA or AGS. These certifications provide detailed information about the diamond’s quality, including its clarity, color, cut, and carat weight. Diamonds with certification often fetch higher prices due to the verified quality.

Familiarize Yourself with the Market Price of Diamonds

To determine the current price of diamonds, you can check online price charts or consult with a local jeweler. Knowing the market value helps you set a realistic price for your necklace.

This article will give you a brief overview of diamond chain and necklace prices to help you make an informed decision.

Find Reputable Buyers

Finally, you need to find a reputable buyer to ensure you get a fair price for your diamond necklace. While you can search for buyers in your area, online options are also available. Check customer reviews and ratings on sites like TrustPilot, Better Business Bureau, Google, and Yelp to find trustworthy buyers.

Where to Sell Your Diamond Necklace?

After determining the value of your diamond necklace , you can consider selling it. Here are some common ways to make the best deal possible.

Local Jewelry Stores

local jewelry store

The fastest way to sell your diamond necklace is by visiting a local jewelry shop. Visit a few stores to get multiple quotes before selling. This will help you understand the price range and choose the best offer. Keep in mind that quotes may vary from shop to shop based on their pricing policies.

Online Stores

Selling diamond necklaces through online stores is a convenient option, especially for those who are too busy to visit jewelers in person. Get a deal, pack your necklace, ensure safe shipping, and wait for the payment. However, to avoid scams, take your time to research and find reliable online buyers.

Pawn Shops

antique pawn store

If you’re looking for a fast and reliable way to sell your diamond necklace, pawn shops might be a good option. You can trade your jewelry for cash in just a few minutes. The downside is that pawn shops typically offer lower prices, as they may not have the right equipment to properly evaluate diamonds.


diamond auction

Selling a diamond necklace through a local or online auction can be a great way to get the best offer, especially if your necklace has antique value or is from a luxury brand. Auctions offer competitive bidding, helping you achieve a fair market value.

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Online Listing Sites

If you’ve evaluated your diamond necklace and know its resale value, you can sell it using online listing sites like eBay or Craigslist. Set your own price, and you have the option to accept or decline offers. These platforms allow you to reach a broader audience, increasing your chances of finding a buyer.

What Determines the Value of a Diamond Necklace

Understanding Diamond Quality: The 4Cs

Karat Gewicht

Carat weight measures a diamond's size, with one carat equaling 0.2 grams. Larger diamonds are rarer and thus more expensive. For diamond necklaces, the total carat weight refers to the combined weight of all diamonds in the piece, significantly impacting the necklace's overall value.


Clarity assesses the presence of inclusions and blemishes in a diamond. Graded from Flawless (FL) to Included (I3), higher clarity grades denote fewer imperfections, making these diamonds rarer and more valuable. A high-clarity diamond necklace will generally command a higher price.


Diamonds are graded on a color scale from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown). Colorless diamonds are highly sought after for their ability to enhance sparkle and light performance, thus fetching higher prices. The more colorless the diamonds in a necklace, the more valuable it will be.


The cut of a diamond pertains to how well its facets interact with light. A well-cut diamond maximizes brilliance and sparkle, making it more attractive and valuable. The craftsmanship in cutting the diamonds significantly affects the price of the necklace.

Metal Settings

The metal used in a diamond necklace adds to its beauty and affects its cost. Common metals include platinum, gold (white, yellow, or rose), and silver. Platinum, known for its durability and rarity, is the most expensive, followed by gold. The choice of metal plays a crucial role in the necklace's overall price.

Craftsmanship and Brand


Intricate design details and exceptional craftsmanship can significantly influence the price of a diamond necklace. A necklace featuring superior artistry will command a higher price due to the labor and skill involved in its creation.


Branded jewelry often carries a premium due to the reputation and guarantee of quality associated with well-known names in the industry. Brands like Bhuramal Rajmal Surana Johuree, Cartier, and Tiffany & Co. offer jewelry that showcases superb artistry and carries the legacy and assurance of a reputable brand, driving up the necklace's value.

Market Factors and Economic Conditions

The price of diamonds, like any commodity, is influenced by market conditions. Factors such as supply and demand, economic stability, and changes in trade policies can affect diamond prices. Additionally, the rarity of certain types of diamonds can drive up prices, impacting the overall value of diamond necklaces.

Certification and Provenance


A diamond’s certification from respected gemological laboratories (such as the GIA) provides an unbiased report of its characteristics and quality. Certified diamonds often command higher prices due to the assurance of their quality and authenticity.


The origin story of a diamond can also add to its value. Diamonds from famous or historically significant mines, or those with a traceable origin that ensures ethical sourcing, can be more valuable. Provenance adds an intangible yet substantial value to diamond necklaces.

Additional Features

Inclusion of Other Precious Gemstones

gemstones in diamond necklace

Diamond necklaces featuring additional gemstones like rubies, sapphires, or emeralds often have higher prices. These gems add rarity and aesthetic appeal, requiring more intricate craftsmanship, which drives up the cost.

Unique Design and Artisan's Trademark

Unique designs and the presence of a renowned artisan’s trademark can greatly increase a necklace's value. Pieces by famous jewelry houses or those featuring innovative designs are particularly valuable. Bhuramal Rajmal Surana Johuree, for instance, excels in creating such distinctive pieces.

Historical Significance

The historical significance of a diamond necklace can add considerable value. Pieces that were owned by historical figures or represent a particular era can attract higher prices due to their cultural and historical importance.

Retail vs. Custom vs. Antique

Retail Jewelry

Mass-produced and sold in stores, retail jewelry benefits from economies of scale, making it generally more affordable. However, high-end retail jewelry uses finer materials and craftsmanship, which can increase the cost.

Custom-made Jewelry

Custom-made jewelry is tailored to individual specifications, involving significant artisanal labor and high-quality materials, leading to higher prices. The uniqueness and complexity of the design also add to the cost.

Antique Jewelry

Antique jewelry, at least 100 years old, carries value due to its age, historical significance, and rarity. Well-preserved pieces from notable eras or by famous designers are particularly valuable.

Ethical Sourcing

Ethically sourced diamonds, obtained through practices that ensure fair labor conditions and environmental stewardship, often carry a premium. Compliance with the Kimberley Process and other ethical guidelines adds to the value, appealing to consumers prioritizing responsible purchases.

Bonus Tips

Get an Appraisal

Before selling your diamond necklace, visit a local jewelry appraiser and get an appraisal. This document describes the item, indicates its quality, and assigns a value accordingly. An appraisal helps you understand the true value of your necklace, leading to a more favorable deal.

Evaluate the Other Precious Metals and Gems

If your diamond necklace has any additional embellishments, make sure to get them evaluated as well. Understanding the type and quality of all materials in your necklace helps determine its fair value.

Be Sure of the Resale Value While Buying

Diamond necklaces have a resale value depending on their quality and brand. Branded diamond necklaces, in particular, often have higher resale values. Consider this when purchasing, as buying from a reputable brand can be a worthwhile investment.


When it comes to selling diamond necklaces, careful consideration of how and where to sell is important for getting a fair and profitable transaction. Whether you’re selling online or visiting a local jewelry store, knowing the quality and certification of your diamond necklace is crucial. Always get multiple quotes to find the best deal, and ensure you’re dealing with reputable buyers to avoid scams.

For those interested in exploring a stunning collection of diamond necklaces, check out Icecartel's selection of affordable and luxurious pieces designed for both men and women. From elegant pendants to bold statement pieces, Icecartel has something for everyone. Shop now and add a touch of sparkle to your collection!

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Joosep wurde in Tallinn, Estland, geboren - einem kleinen Land in Nordeuropa. Er ist ein Unternehmer und einer der Mitbegründer von Icecartel. Joosep ist seit 2019 in der Schmuckbranche tätig, dem Jahr, in dem er die Marke von Grund auf gründete. In diesen Jahren hat Joosep alles gelernt, was es in der Schmuckbranche gibt, und er ist hier, um alles zu teilen!

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