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How to Clean Moissanite Ring: 4 Tips to Keep Moissanite Brilliant

on Feb 23, 2023

Have you ever wondered what the best way to clean a moissanite ring is? Keeping your moissanite rings clean is an effortless process.  Moissanite rings can become dull over time, picking up dirt and debris just by participating in daily activities and everyday life. The following will be a guide for how to clean moissanite. Following these tips and tricks will ensure there is no damage to your moissanite ring with regular maintenance.

4 Tips to Clean Your Moissanite Ring

Keeping your ring clean is easy to remember and  can be done at home or by a jewelry professional if you need further assistance.  Following steps 1-4 with ingredients you already have at home makes it all the more reason to take care of your bespoke moissanite engagement ring. To clean your moissanite ring, you will need to use lukewarm water & gentle cleaner, soak the ring in the solution, scrub gently with a soft-bristled brush and dry thoroughly. We'll describe the steps more deeply below.

TIP 1: Use Lukewarm Water and a Gentle Cleaner

One of the simplest, safest methods for cleaning your ring at home is the lukewarm water and gentle soap method.  Fill a bowl with tepid/lukewarm tap water and add a few drops of mild dish soap. Mixing this solution together will create suds.

Marie Claire online suggests using Dawn dish soap with the water, making it your favorite and easy go-to for gold and silver jewelry cleaning.

TIP 2: Soak the Ring in the Solution

Soak the Ring in the Solution

Place your moissanite ring in the soapy water bowl and let it soak for 10-15 minutes. This loosens the build-up. 

TIP 3: Scrub Gently with a Soft-Bristled Brush 

Purchasing a new brush or a toothbrush that has not been used is important. Old, worn-out brushes designated for other activities may carry residue on the bristles, potentially damaging the moissanite ring with chemicals that are not visible to the naked eye. 

Take this soft-bristled brush or soft toothbrush to gently scrub the ring, especially under the stone, around the prongs, and any crevices (milgrain beaded edges, for example).  

It is important to note there is no vigorous scrubbing involved. Pressing down hard on your moissanite ring with excessive force may damage the ring or scratch the moissanite unnecessarily. Instead, cleaning the moissanite ring with circular motions using a lighter touch will loosen the debris without snagging the prongs or loosening the stones. 

TIP 4: Dry Thoroughly

Rinse the ring thoroughly under cool water running from the tap. This will remove all soap residue. Pat dry the moissanite ring with a soft, lint-free cloth, or let it air dry on a paper towel or washcloth. 

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Cleaning Moissanite Ring FAQ

How often should I clean my moissanite ring?

Moissanite rings should be cleaned regularly to maintain their fire and shine. The frequency of cleaning will depend on how often you wear your ring and your lifestyle. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Clean your moissanite ring at least once every two to four weeks, removing the dirt and oil on the stone's surface, setting, and band.
  •  Clean your moissanite ring after any activities that may cause it to attract debris, such as household chores, working out, gardening, cooking, using soaps and body washes, or similar activities.

What should I avoid when cleaning my moissanite ring? 

It is important to avoid the following when cleaning a moissanite ring:

  • Harsh Chemicals: Bleach, ammonia, or other chemical cleaners that can damage or discolor your moissanite stone. This includes household cleaners and other common cleaners with ingredients not meant for jewelry.
  • Abrasive Materials: Steel wool, scouring pads, and other abrasive materials can scratch the surface of your stone.
  • Ultrasonic Cleaners: The high-frequency vibrations can cause permanent damage to the stone.

Can I clean my moissanite ring at home, or is professional cleaning necessary? 

The common at-home method using mild soap, warm water, and gentle brush method is easy to do frequently, recommended once every 2-4 weeks, depending on how much you wear the ring. Getting your moissanite ring evaluated a few times a year by a professional jeweler is advised;  a professional cleaning and maintenance schedule will keep your ring looking brand new. 

Jewelry polishing cloths are an affordable alternative for wiping away dirt and debris on shank, stone, and around the setting, reducing dullness and signs of wear and tear.

Can moissanite rings scratch or become damaged while cleaning?

Moissanite is a durable stone with high scratch resistance. However, it can still get scratched if it is treated roughly or brushed aggressively during the cleaning process.  Avoiding abrasive materials such as steel wool, scouring pads, and other abrasive materials. Dropping the stone on hard floors during cleaning may damage the stone.

What should I do if my moissanite ring becomes dull? 

If the above methods for cleaning your moissanite ring at home with warm soapy water with a brush don't produce the desired effect, read an article about "Does Moissanite Get Cloudy," if that doesn't work, consider taking your moissanite ring to a professional jeweler will help pinpoint the cause of the dullness. A professional may be able to buff out certain areas of the ring, revealing its original shine without damage. There are jewelry professionals well-versed in moissanite, specializing in all aspects of this stone. 

Takeaways & Ideas

Taking care of your ring is the next important step after purchase;  it is worth the investment of time—keeping our moissanite ring looking similar to the way it was when you fell in love serves as a reminder of your special day. Remembering moissanite is a unique stone, unlike any other synthetic or natural stones–.what works for certain stones and diamonds may not work for moissanite.

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    Autorin: Emma Zerner
    Autorin: Emma Zerner
    Emma Zerner wurde in Guelph, Ontario, Kanada, geboren und wuchs in Gainesville, Florida, auf. Sie hat einen Bachelor of Science in Retail Merchandising von der University of Minnesota-Twin Cities und ein Diplom als Diplom-Gemologin vom Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Emma ist seit 2002 in der Schmuckbranche tätig, zunächst im Einzelhandel. Sie liefert professionelle Schmuckinhalte aller Art für zahlreiche Schmuckunternehmen weltweit und bietet darüber hinaus persönliche Gemmologiedienste an. In ihrer Freizeit hat sie in mehreren Reality-Shows auf großen Fernsehsendern mitgewirkt, darunter MTV, BRAVO und TLC, um nur einige zu nennen.
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    Autorin: Emma Zerner
    Autorin: Emma Zerner
    Emma Zerner wurde in Guelph, Ontario, Kanada, geboren und wuchs in Gainesville, Florida, auf. Sie hat einen Bachelor of Science in Retail Merchandising von der University of Minnesota-Twin Cities und ein Diplom als Diplom-Gemologin vom Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Emma ist seit 2002 in der Schmuckbranche tätig, zunächst im Einzelhandel. Sie liefert professionelle Schmuckinhalte aller Art für zahlreiche Schmuckunternehmen weltweit und bietet darüber hinaus persönliche Gemmologiedienste an. In ihrer Freizeit hat sie in mehreren Reality-Shows auf großen Fernsehsendern mitgewirkt, darunter MTV, BRAVO und TLC, um nur einige zu nennen.

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